Alabama Concealed Carry Permit Information
Alabama Concealed Carry Quick Stats
- Constitutional Carry for anyone legally allowed to possess a firearm
- Shall Issue
- Permits Issued to Residents Only
- 19 years of age required
- Valid for 1 to 5 Years (Chosen by Applicant)
- $5 – $20 per year depending on Sheriff
- 30 Day Processing Time
- Alabama Concealed Carry Reciprocity Maps
- Alabama Gun Reciprocity Law
- Alabama Firearms and Weapons Law
- Alabama Firearms Forums
Alabama Concealed Carry FAQโs
Is Alabama a Constitutional Carry State?
Yes, Alabama is a Constitutional Carry state. Alabama residents and non-residents that are legally allowed to possess a firearm can carry concealed without an Alabama Pistol Permit, which is still issued to residents only. This law, HB 272, went into effect on January 1, 2023.
Does Alabama issue concealed carry permits?
Yes, even though Alabama is a Constitutional Carry state, Alabama Pistol Permits are still issued, and is a Shall Issue State.
On May 20, 2013, Senate Bill 286 was signed into law and took effect on August 1, 2013. This makes Alabama a Shall Issue State. Sheriffs are required to issue or deny the concealed carry application within thirty (30) days. Upon denials, applicants will receive a written notice and have the chance to appeal the denial.
Who issues Alabama Pistol Permits?
Alabama County Sheriffโs issue Alabama Pistol Permit (or Pistol License) which allow you to carry concealed in Alabama. Contact the Sheriff of the county you reside in for information on how to apply for an Alabama Pistol Permit.
Are background checks required for a Alabama Pistol Permit and does it count as a National Instant Criminal System (NICS) check?
As of August 1, 2013, Sheriffs to conduct a background check using the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) on all applicants. [Source]
How long is an Alabama Pistol Permit valid for?
As of August 1, 2013, applicants for an Alabama Pistol Permit can select whether the permit is valid for one to five years. [Source]
What is the processing time for an Alabama Pistol Permit?
As of Aug. 1, 2013, Sheriffโs are required to issue or deny the concealed carry application within thirty (30) days. Upon denials, applicants will receive a written notice and have the chance to appeal the denial. [Source]
How much does an Alabama Pistol Permit cost?
The cost for an Alabama Pistol Permit is left up to the Sheriff and is usually between $5 – $20 per year.
From SB286:
The sheriff may charge a fee as provided by local law for the issuance of the permit under subdivision (1) of subsection (a). The amount of the fee for a period of one year up to five years shall be the amount of the fee as prescribed by local law multiplied by the number of years of the permit requested by the applicant.
What are the requirements for an Alabama Pistol Permit?
All applicants applying for an Alabama Pistol Permit must:
- Be at least 18 years old.
- A resident of Alabama.
- Some counties require training while others do not.
What can cause a Sheriff to deny an Alabama Pistol Permit application?
The Sheriff will determine if the applicant can legally possess firearms according to state or federal law. They can also deny the application if they have a reasonable suspicion that the applicant may use the weapon unlawfully or in a manner that would endanger them or someone else. They may consider:
- If you were found guilty but mentally ill in a criminal case.
- If you were found not guilty in a criminal case by reason of insanity or mental disease or defect.
- If you were declared incompetent to stand trial in a criminal case.
- If you asserted a defense in a criminal case of not guilty by reason of insanity or mental disease or defect.
- If you were found not guilty only by reason of lack of mental responsibility under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
- If you required involuntary inpatient treatment in a psychiatric hospital or similar treatment facility.
- If you required involuntary outpatient treatment in a psychiatric hospital or similar treatment facility based on a finding that the person is an imminent danger to himself or herself or to others.
- If you required an involuntary commitment to a psychiatric hospital or similar treatment facility for any reason, including drug use.
- If you are or was the subject of a prosecution or of a commitment or incompetency proceeding that could lead to a prohibition on the receipt or possession of a firearm under the laws of Alabama or the United States.
- If you falsified any portion of the permit application.
- If you caused justifiable concern for public safety.
- The sheriff shall take into account how recent any consideration under paragraph a. is in relation to the date of the application. The sheriff shall provide a written statement of the reasons for a denial of a permit and the evidence upon which it is based must be disclosed to the applicant unless disclosure would interfere with a criminal investigation.
- Except as otherwise provided by the laws of this state, a permit issued under this subdivision is valid 17 throughout the state, and a sheriff may not place conditions or requirements on the issuance of the permit or limit its scope or applicability.
What are the required documents when applying for an Alabama Pistol Permit?
You will need your photo ID. Any other documents required vary depending on your county sheriff.
How do I renew my Alabama Pistol Permit and what is the cost?
Alabama Pistol Permits must be renewed before they expire. Contact your local county sheriff for the renewal application. Some counties send out renewal cards or notifications by mail. The Alabama Pistol Permits renewal fees vary depending on which county you are in.
How do you change a name or address on an Alabama Pistol Permit?
If you have a name change or a change of address, contact your local county sheriff to make the change on your Alabama Pistol Permit.
What do you do if your Alabama Pistol Permit is lost, stolen or damaged?
If your Alabama Pistol Permit is lost, stolen or damaged, contact your local county sheriff to obtain a new permit. The fee for a duplicate Alabama Pistol Permit vary depending on the county you are in.
What are the laws for carrying a firearm in an automobile in Alabama?
As of Aug. 1, 2013, transportation of a handgun in a vehicle is allowed without an Alabama Pistol Permit if you are legally permitted to possess the handgun. The handgun but be unloaded, locked in a container or container that is in or affixed securely to the vehicle and out of reach of the driver or any passenger. [Source]
If you have an Alabama Pistol Permit you can carry concealed in the vehicle.
Loaded long guns may be carried in plain view or in gun cases.
What places are off-limits when carrying a concealed weapon in Alabama?
Does Alabama have a Stand Your Ground Law AKA Castle Doctrine Law?
Yes, Alabama is a Castle Doctrine state and has a stand-your-ground law. Click here to view the Alabama Stand Your Ground Castle Doctrine Law.
As of Aug 1, 2013, the Castle Doctrine includes places of business.
Using or about to use physical force against an owner, employee, or other person authorized to be on business property when the business is closed to the public while committing or attempting to commit a crime involving death, serious physical injury, robbery, kidnapping, rape, sodomy, or a crime of a sexual nature involving a child under the age of 12. [Source]
What are the laws involving alcohol and carrying a concealed weapon in Alabama?
We have found no Alabama state law that prohibits carrying a concealed weapons in an establishment that serves alcohol. Click here to view a discussion about carrying a concealed weapon in establishments that serve alcohol in our Alabama Firearms Forums.
USA Carry recommends that you do not sit at the bar area of a restaurant, carry within a bar or carry a firearm while under the influence or alcohol or drugs.
Does Alabama have laws for No Gun signs?
Properties that display a No Gun sign do not have the force of law unless that property is specifically mentioned in the State Law as being off limits to permit holders.
If you are asked to leave a property then you must leave. Refusing is breaking the law and you can be charged.
Are you allowed to carry concealed in Alabama State Parks, State & National Forests, Wildlife Management Areas, and/or Road Side Rest Areas?
State Parks:YES Admin Code 220-5-.08
State Forests NO Admin Code 390-X-7
National Forests YES Rules
WMAโs: YES Admin Code 220-2
Road Side Rest Areas: YES
What are the Alabama Open Carry laws?
Please visit our Alabama Open Carry page for more information.
Have a Question?
Do you have a question that we haven’t answered? Contact us here, and we’ll do our best to find you an answer.
Go To Another State’s Concealed Carry Page
To view a state’s concealed carry permit information click on the state. The state’s color represents whether a state is Shall Issue, May Issue, Constitutional Carry, or Right Denied.
Shall Issue to Residents Only:
California, Colorado, Georgia, Guam, Michigan, New Mexico
Shall Issue to Residents and Non-Residents:
District of Columbia, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin
May Issue to Residents Only:
Delaware, Virgin Islands
May Issue to Residents and Non-Residents:
Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York
Constitutional Carry and Shall Issue to Residents Only:
Alabama, Alaska, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, Wyoming
Constitutional Carry and Shall Issue to Residents and Non-Residents:
Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia
Constitutional Carry and Does Not Issue Permits:
Right Denied:
American Samoa, N. Mariana Islands
We try to keep the information on this page as up-to-date as possible, but it is your responsibility to verify all information due to changing laws. The information on this page is for informational purposes only and not to provide legal advice. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice concerning any particular issue or problem. Use of and access to this Website, emails, or any links within the site do not create an attorney-client relationship between USA Carry LLC and the user or browser. The opinions expressed at or through this site are the opinions of the individual author and may not reflect the views of USA Carry LLC.