Concealed Permit:
Shall Issue to Residents only
Example Resident Permit:

Issuing Authority:
The issuing authority is the Nebraska State Police. Any person wishing to apply for a permit to carry a concealed handgun shall apply to the Nebraska State Patrol at the Criminal Identification Division (CID) office in Lincoln or at any Troop Area Headquarters outside of Lincoln. If other locations become available, locations will be posted on the Nebraska State Patrol web-site at The address for each office is as follows:
Criminal Identification Office – 233 S. 10th St. – Lincoln
Troop A Headquarters – 4411 S. 108th St. – Omaha
Troop B Headquarters – 1401 Eisenhower Avenue – Norfolk
Troop C Headquarters โ 3431 Old Potash Highway โ Grand Island
Troop D Headquarters โ 300 W. South River Road โ North Platte
Troop E Headquarters โ 4500 Avenue I – Scottsbluff
Out Of State Permit Issue:
Nebraska does not issue permits to non-residents.
NICS/Background Check:
Permit Valid For:
The license is good for five years.
Permit Issued Timeline:
CHPs must be issued within 5 days of a successful criminal background check.
New – $100
Renewal – $50
The fee shall be paid with the application and shall be paid in cash or check made payable to the Nebraska State Patrol. When it becomes feasible, payment may also be made with debit or credit cards approved by the Nebraska State Patrol.
1. Must not be prohibited from purchasing or possessing a handgun under Federal law
2. Resident of Nebraska
3. Submit two sets of fingerprints
4. pay the fee of $100 ($50 for renewals)
5. Demonstrate that the applicant has the same powers of eyesight as required for a Class O operatorโs (driverโs) license or, provides a licensed optometristโs or ophthalmologistโs certified report and statement that applicantโs eyesight is sufficient to obtain a Class O operatorโs license.
5. Show proof that the applicant has completed, within 3 years of application, a course approved by Nebraska State Patrol, evidencing knowledge and competency with regard to:
a. handling a handgun and appropriate ammunition
b. demonstrating safe firing and handling
c. federal, state, and local laws pertaining to handguns, firearms, self-defense, various levels of assault, and justifiable homicide
d. proper storage of a firearm
e. techniques for avoiding violent confrontation
f. is over 21 years of age
g. must prove that they are a member of active, reserve, or National Guard military forces and has received, within three years of application, handgun training which would satisfy the above requirements.
Required Documents:
1. Application form
2. Proof of training
3. Proof of vision
4. Proof of identification
5. Proof of citizenship
6. Proof of address
7. A signature
8. The applicable fee
Renewal Information:
Permit holders may renew a permit to carry a concealed handgun within the four (4) months prior to expiration of the initial permit at any Nebraska State Patrol Troop Headquarters or office.
An application for renewal must be completed by permit holder affirming that the permit holder still meets all current requirements for obtaining a permit. The application must be accompanied with the appropriate fee. The permit will be renewed and reissued within five (5) business days of receipt of the application valid for a five year period from the date of expiration of the initial permit.
A current photograph will be required with the renewal application.
A permit holder letting an initial permit expire without applying for a renewal will be required to apply for another initial permit and meet all of the requirements for an initial permit.
Change of Name or Address:
Permit holders who change name or address are required to notify the Nebraska State Patrol Concealed Handgun Permit Program in writing within thirty (30) days of the change in name or address.
A permit holder may obtain a replacement permit by returning the current permit to the Nebraska State Patrol Concealed Handgun Permit Program and submitting a written request for a replacement permit. If the applicant still meets the requirements for a permit, the Nebraska State Patrol shallissue a replacement permit within five (5) working days of receiving the request. The replacement permit shall have the same expiration date asthe initial or renewed permit.
A permit holder may request to pick up the replacement permit in person or have it mailed.
A permit holder moving to another state shall return the permit to the Nebraska State Patrol Concealed Handgun Permit Program for cancellation. The permit is not valid if the permit holder is no longer a resident of Nebraska.
Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Permits:
A permit holder whose permit is lost, stolen, or damaged shall notify the Nebraska State Patrol in writing within ten (10) days of determining that the permit is lost, stolen, or damaged. When notified of a lost, stolen, or damaged permit, the Nebraska State Patrol shall cancel the permit. The permit holder shall not carry a concealed weapon until the Nebraska State Patrol issues a replacement.
A permit holder may obtain a replacement permit by submitting a written request for replacement. The replacement form shall require a statement about the facts and circumstances surrounding the โlost, stolen or damagedโ permit. If the applicant still meets the requirements for a permit, the Nebraska State Patrol shall issue a replacement permit within five (5) working days of receiving the request. The replacement permit shall have the same expiration date as the initial or renewed permit.
A permit holder whose permit is damaged may return the damaged permit to the Nebraska State Patrol Concealed Handgun Permit Program with the permit holderโs written request for a replacement permit.
If a peace officer seizes a permit as evidence of a violation for a criminal case or a revocation proceeding, the officer shall notify the Nebraska State Patrol Concealed Handgun Permit Program immediately so that the permit will not be replaced as lost or stolen upon application by the permit holder. A form for this purpose will be available on the Nebraska State Patrol web-site at
Informing Law Enforcement of Carry:
At all times while carrying a concealed handgun, a permit holder shall carry the following documentation and display it to any peace officer or emergency service personnel upon request:
1. The concealed handgun permit; and
2. Nebraska driverโs license, Nebraska-issued state identification card, or military identification card.
Violation of this provision is a Class III misdemeanor for the first offense and a Class I misdemeanor for a second or subsequent offense.
A permit holder carrying a concealed handgun who is officially contacted by any peace officer or emergency services personnel must immediately inform the peace officer or emergency service personnel of the concealed handgun unless physically unable to do so.
A peace officer or emergency service personnel making contact with the permit holder may determine that securing the handgun is necessary for the safety of any person present. If requested, the permit holder must immediately surrender or secure the handgun for safekeeping as ordered by the peace officer or emergency service personnel until a determination has been made that there is no concern for safety and that the permit holder will not be detained for law violations or medical treatment. If the permit holder is transported for treatment by emergency service personnel, the handgun is to be turned over to a peace officer as soon as it is feasible to do so. The peace officer will provide the permit holder with a receipt for the handgun which will include make, model, caliber, and serial number
Automobile carry:
Non-permit holders: Shotguns must be unloaded. Loaded rifles & handguns may be in plain view or stowed in the trunk. Unloaded handguns may be transported in locked glove compartments.
Places off-limits when carrying:
1. Police, sheriff, or Nebraska State Patrol station or office;
2. Detention facility, prison, or jail;
3. Courtroom or building containing a courtroom;
4. Polling place during a bona fide election;
5. Meeting of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or other political subdivision;
6. Meeting of the Legislature or a committee of the Legislature;
7. Financial institutions as defined by Nebraska Revised Statutes ยง 8-101(12);
8. Professional, semi-professional, or collegiate athletic event;
9. School, school grounds, school-owned vehicle, or schoolsponsored activity or athletic event;
10. Place of worship;
11. Emergency room or trauma center;
12. Political rally or fundraiser;
13. Establishment having a liquor license which derives over onehalf of its income from the sale of alcoholic liquor;
14. Any place where the carrying or possession of a firearm is prohibited by state or federal law;
15. Any place or premises or employer owned vehicle where those in control of the place, premises or vehicle have prohibited permit holders from carrying concealed handguns; or
16. Any other place or premises where handguns are prohibited by law or rule or regulation.
A financial institution, notwithstanding Section 018.01G above, may authorize its security personnel to carry a concealed handgun while on duty so long as the security personnel have a concealed handgun permit and are in compliance with the law.
A person, entity, or employer in control of a place or premises described in Section 018.01O above, which is open to the public, may prohibit permit holders from carrying concealed handguns in the place or premises by posting a conspicuous notice that carrying a concealed handgun is prohibited in or on the place or premises or by making a request, directly or through an authorized representative or management personnel, that the permit holder remove the concealed handgun from the place or premises.
State law does not mandate a specific requirement for a sign other than that it be conspicuously posted, the Nebraska State Patrol strongly suggests that a standardized format be utilized. The standardized form should contain a four (4) inch circle with a slash covering a handgun and text giving notice that carrying a concealed handgun anywhere on the premises is prohibited. A form will be available on the Nebraska State Patrol website which can be downloaded for printing. The Nebraska State Patrol also strongly recommends that a place or premises wishing to prohibit concealed handguns post the sign at normal eye level at each public entrance to the place or premises. Normal eye level is considered to be between 54โ and 66โ from the floor.
A permit holder may carry a concealed handgun into or onto any posted place or premises in a vehicle so long as the handgun is not removed from the vehicle while in or on the posted place or premises. This provision applies only to posted premises and does not allow a permit holder to carry a 15 concealed handgun in a vehicle into any other place or premises where handguns are prohibited. Employers may prohibit employees or other persons who are permit holders from carrying concealed handguns in vehicles owned by the employer.
While state law does not mandate, the Nebraska State Patrol strongly recommends any establishment having a liquor license which derives over one-half of its income from the sale of alcoholic liquor post the premises with the standardized sign as patrons will have difficulty in determining which establishments with liquor licenses exceed the income limit.
Alcohol and Drugs:
A permit holder shall not carry a concealed handgun while consuming alcohol or while there is any previously consumed alcohol or controlled substance as defined in Nebraska Revised Statutes ยง 28-401 of the statutes in his or her blood, urine, or breath unless the controlled substance was lawfully obtained and taken in therapeutically prescribed amounts.
Deadly Force / Castle Doctrine:
Nebraska is not a Castle Doctrine state and has no stand-your-ground law.
Open Carry:
Unrestricted under state law; some local regulation possible.
Go To Another State’s Concealed Carry Page
To view a state’s concealed carry permit information click on the state. The state’s color represents whether a state is Shall Issue, May Issue, Constitutional Carry, or Right Denied.
Shall Issue to Residents Only:
California, Colorado, Georgia, Guam, Michigan, New Mexico
Shall Issue to Residents and Non-Residents:
District of Columbia, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin
May Issue to Residents Only:
Delaware, Virgin Islands
May Issue to Residents and Non-Residents:
Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York
Constitutional Carry and Shall Issue to Residents Only:
Alabama, Alaska, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, Wyoming
Constitutional Carry and Shall Issue to Residents and Non-Residents:
Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia
Constitutional Carry and Does Not Issue Permits:
Right Denied:
American Samoa, N. Mariana Islands
We try to keep the information on this page as up-to-date as possible, but it is your responsibility to verify all information due to changing laws. The information on this page is for informational purposes only and not to provide legal advice. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice concerning any particular issue or problem. Use of and access to this Website, emails, or any links within the site do not create an attorney-client relationship between USA Carry LLC and the user or browser. The opinions expressed at or through this site are the opinions of the individual author and may not reflect the views of USA Carry LLC.