Concealed Permit:
Shall Issue to Residents Only
Example Resident Permit:
Issuing Authority:
Sheriff of the permittee’s county of residence
Out Of State Permit Issue:
North Carolina does not issue permits to non-permanent residents. In order to obtain a permit you must establish permanent residency in North Carolina.
NICS check:
Yes, a background check is done through the local Sheriff’s office.
Permit Valid For:
5 years from the date of issuance
$80.00 non-refundable permit fee and an additional fee not to exceed $10.00 to pay for the costs of processing the applicant’s fingerprints.
$75 renewal fee
The sheriff shall issue a permit within 90 days after receipt of a complete application to an applicant who:
• is a citizen of the U.S. and has been a resident of the State for at least 30 days immediately prior to filing the application;
• is at least 21;
• does not suffer from a physical or mental infirmity that prevents the safe handling of a handgun;
• has successfully completed an approved firearms safety and training course which involves the actual firing of handguns and instruction in the law governing the carrying of a concealed handgun and the use of deadly force;
• is not ineligible under federal or state law to possess, receive, or own a firearm;
• is not currently or has not been adjudicated or administratively determined to be lacking mental capacity or mentally ill;
• has not been discharged from the armed forces under conditions other than honorable;
• is or has not been adjudicated guilty or judgment continued or suspended sentence for a violent misdemeanor;
• has not had judgment continued for or free on bond or personal recognizance pending trial, appeal, or sentencing for a disqualifying criminal offense;
• has not been convicted of an impaired driving offense within three years prior to the date on which the application is submitted.
Required Documents:
Application completed under oath on a form provided by the sheriff
Full set of fingerprints administered by the sheriff
An original certificate of completion of an approved safety course
A release that authorized and requires disclosure to the sheriff of any records concerning the mental health of capacity of the appliant
Renewal Information:
The permit holder shall apply to renew the permit at least 30 days prior to its expiration date by filing a renewal form, a notarized affidavit stating that the permit holder remains qualified, a full set of fingerprints and a $75.00 renewal fee.
Change of Address:
The permit holder shall notify the sheriff who issued the permit of any change in the permanent address within 30 days.
Informing Law Enforcement of Carry:
The permit holder must carry the permit, together with valid identification, whenever carrying a concealed handgun, and is required to disclose to any law enforcement officer who addresses or approaches the permit holder that he or she is a permit holder and is carrying a concealed handgun.
Automobile carry:
You MAY open carry in a motor vehicle. However, localities may regulate the carrying of firearms under certain circumstances.
Places off-limits when carrying:
• Any location prohibited by federal law.
• A law enforcement of correctional facility.
• A building housing only state, federal or government offices.
• A financial institution.
• Any public or private school building or bus, campus, grounds, recreation area, athletic fields or other property used or owned by an edicational institution.
• Any assembly where a fee had been charged for admission or where alcoholic beverages are sold and comsumed.
• Any other premises where notice that carrying a concealed handgun is prohibited by the posting of a conspicuous notice or statement by the person in legal possession or control of the premises.
• It shall be unlawful for any person participating in, affiliated
with, or present as a spectator at any parade, funeral procession, picket line, or demonstration upon any public place owned or under the control of the state or any of its political subdivisions to willfully or intentionally possess or have immediate access to any firearm.
Alcohol and Drugs:
It is unlawful to carry a concealed handgun while consuming alcohol or at any time while the person has remaining in his body any alcohol or in his blood a controlled substance previously consumed. (There is an exception if the controlled substance was lawfully obtained and taken in therapeutically appropriate amounts.)
Deadly Force / Castle Doctrine:
North Carolina is a Castle Doctrine state and has a stand-your-ground law.
North Carolina General Statutes §14-51.1
§ 14‑51.1. Use of deadly physical force against an intruder.
(a) A lawful occupant within a home or other place of residence is justified in using any degree of force that the occupant reasonably believes is necessary, including deadly force, against an intruder to prevent a forcible entry into the home or residence or to terminate the intruder’s unlawful entry (i) if the occupant reasonably apprehends that the intruder may kill or inflict serious bodily harm to the occupant or others in the home or residence, or (ii) if the occupant reasonably believes that the intruder intends to commit a felony in the home or residence.
(b) A lawful occupant within a home or other place of residence does not have a duty to retreat from an intruder in the circumstances described in this section.
(c) This section is not intended to repeal, expand, or limit any other defense that may exist under the common law. (1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 673, s. 1.)
Open Carry:
Unrestricted under state law except for certain events such as public parades.
Localities with Varying Laws:
Contact your local county sheriff.
Go To Another State’s Concealed Carry Page
To view a state’s concealed carry permit information click on the state. The state’s color represents whether a state is Shall Issue, May Issue, Constitutional Carry, or Right Denied.
Shall Issue to Residents Only:
California, Colorado, Georgia, Guam, Michigan, New Mexico
Shall Issue to Residents and Non-Residents:
District of Columbia, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin
May Issue to Residents Only:
Delaware, Virgin Islands
May Issue to Residents and Non-Residents:
Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York
Constitutional Carry and Shall Issue to Residents Only:
Alabama, Alaska, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, Wyoming
Constitutional Carry and Shall Issue to Residents and Non-Residents:
Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia
Constitutional Carry and Does Not Issue Permits:
Right Denied:
American Samoa, N. Mariana Islands
We try to keep the information on this page as up-to-date as possible, but it is your responsibility to verify all information due to changing laws. The information on this page is for informational purposes only and not to provide legal advice. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice concerning any particular issue or problem. Use of and access to this Website, emails, or any links within the site do not create an attorney-client relationship between USA Carry LLC and the user or browser. The opinions expressed at or through this site are the opinions of the individual author and may not reflect the views of USA Carry LLC.