Oregon Open Carry

Open carry is legal in Oregon even without an Oregon Concealed Handgun License. Check your local regulations because they are allowed to regulate local firearms in public. Public buildings are also off-limits to open carry unless you have a license.

The minimum age to open carry in Oregon is 18 years of age.

If you have an Oregon Concealed Handgun License you may carry concealed in a vehicle. If you do not have a license, you can carry a loaded handgun as long as it is not concealed or readily accessible but you also need to check your local regulations because they are allowed to regulate local firearms in public including your vehicle.

(4)(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection, a handgun is readily accessible within the
meaning of this section if the handgun is within the passenger compartment of the vehicle.
(b) If a vehicle has no storage location that is outside the passenger compartment of the vehicle, a handgun is
not readily accessible within the meaning of this section if:
(A) The handgun is stored in a closed and locked glove compartment, center console or other container; and
(B) The key is not inserted into the lock, if the glove compartment, center console or other container unlocks
with a key.

The following places are off-limits to carry concealed even with an Oregon Concealed Handgun License. Check your local regulations because they are allowed to regulate local firearms in public including your vehicle.

  • Any federal facility — federal courthouses, social security offices, secured areas of airports, airplanes.
  • Posted private property where the owner prohibits firearms possession, and others.
  • Many private businesses have conditions regarding the possession of firearms on their premises. If you violate these conditions you could, under certain circumstances, be subject to arrest under Oregon trespass laws, in which case, if convicted, your concealed handgun licensee would be seized and/or revoked.
  • National parks marked or posted with signs prohibiting all firearms.
  • Indian reservations or property — you may not carry a firearm concealed without the written permission of the tribal judge; this may also apply to certain casinos on tribal lands.
  • Courts — in a courtroom, jury room, judge’s chambers, or adjacent areas that the presiding judge determines should be free of firearms to ensure the safety of litigants, court personnel witnesses, and others.
  • Public buildings are also off-limits to open carry unless you have a license.

For concealed carry information, visit our Oregon Concealed Carry page.

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