South Carolina Open Carry

Open carry is legal in South Carolina only with a South Carolina Concealed Weapons Permit or recognized out-of-state permit/license.

The minimum age to open carry in South Carolina is 21 years old since that is the minimum age to obtain a South Carolina Concealed Weapons Permit.

Open Carrying in a Vehicle in South Carolina

When carrying a handgun in a vehicle in South Carolina, the law allows for two main options. First, anyone can carry a handgun if it is securely stored in a closed glove compartment, console, trunk, or a closed container that is locked or has an integral fastener, and placed in the luggage area. Opening these compartments in front of a police officer is permitted only when retrieving driver’s documentation without violating the law.

Additionally, if you have a valid concealed weapon permit, you have more flexibility. You can either conceal the handgun under a seat or in any compartment within the passenger area of the vehicle. Alternatively, with a concealed weapons permit, you can carry the handgun on your person, either openly or concealed, while in the vehicle.

The following is a list of places that are off-limits when carrying a concealed weapon in South Carolina:

  1. Law enforcement office or facility
  2. Detention or correctional facility
  3. Courthouse or courtroom
  4. Polling place on election days
  5. Office of or the business meeting the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or special purpose district
  6. School or college athletic event not related to firearms
  7. Daycare or preschool facility
  8. Place where federal law prohibits the carrying of firearms
  9. Church or other established religious sanctuary unless express permission is given by the appropriate church official or governing body
  10. Medical services facilities unless expressly authorized by the employer.
  11. Place clearly marked with a sign prohibiting the carrying of a concealable weapon on the premises pursuant to Sections 23-31-220 and 23-31-235. Except that a property owner or an agent acting on his behalf, by express written consent, may allow individuals of his choosing to enter onto property regardless of any posted sign to the contrary. A person who violates a provision of this item, whether the violation is wilful or not, may only be charged with a violation of Section 16-11-620 and must not be charged with or penalized for a violation of this subsection.

Except as provided for in item (11), a person who wilfully violates a provision of this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not less than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than one year, or both, at the discretion of the court and have his permit revoked for five years.

For concealed carry information, visit our South Carolina Concealed Carry page.

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