Here is a brief Quiz I put together to initially assess certain firearms students, to best place them in certain types of instructional classes and to learn their fundamental backgrounds and firearms-knowledge levels to help them. It is meant to be just one factor to be considered and really is just a fun exercise. Of course, there is not a perfect instrument nor even one that has very high validity and correlation coefficients to statistically assess individual firearms knowledge and levels as of 2015. There are, however, various live-fire skill drills for assessment. At the beginning, I do not use these live-fire assessment drills initially for entry-level new shooters or for those who have not fired a handgun recently. Every entry-level class does, however, use live-fire shoots to determine proficiency level at the completion of the course. Take a sheet of paper and number down from 1 to 20. Then take this Quiz to have some fun and improve your firearms knowledge base.
Please understand that this FUN Quiz is meant as a very basic, limited assessment with just a few select questions of general firearms background and fundamental firearms knowledge to combine with other factors for just some added information for yourself. So, do not slit your wrists nor enter international competitions based solely on the results of this Quiz. This is meant to be just a fun and mind-challenging exercise to give you personally some more firearms information and to spur you to explore more firearms details and topics. Have fun with this Quiz and the 20 questions, be honest with yourself, and don’t look at the answers at the end until you complete the Quiz. Generally, if you get 18 or more questions correct (90%+), you are at the Advanced level. If you get 16 or 17 (80-89%) questions correct, you are at the Intermediate level, and 14 to 15 (70-79%) correct questions means Basic understanding. Anything below 14 correct questions, means more study, practice, classes, and fun researching firearms issues, facts, and information. Of course, all of us should be involved in continuous learning about firearms fundamentals, principles, techniques, and updates. Take as much time as you need for this Quiz. Please share your Quiz results as either Advanced, Intermediate, or Basic in the Comments section below. SUCCESS!