CASSOPOLIS, MI – A concealed carrier who shot at an armed robber will not be charged after prosecutors ruled the shooting lawful and justified.
I reported on this story a few days ago where a man with a valid concealed carrier permit shot an armed robber at a gas station while holding a six-pack of beer. There were many discussions in the comments on social media as to whether the shooting was justified.
This past Tuesday, after reviewing witness statements and security footage, a local prosecutor ruled the shooting as lawful and justified and stated that no charges would be filed against the concealed carrier.
But the armed robber is now facing four charges, including Armed Robbery and Assault with intent to Rob While Armed,
if you’ve seen the whole video, shown elsewhere, you can see he’s shot in the back, but the clerk being threatened also could have been hit, as the shooter didnt take into consideration the bullet missing or overpenetrating, and possibly hitting the clerk. That this “hero” didn’t put down his beer, that he didn’t change his angle to pay attention to his backstop (the clerk), then after the robber is shot once, you can see from the angle of the next 6 shots, he shoots three times at the guy while he’s on the floor, which even if the giy was getting up and knocked him back down again, the next three were overkill… literally.. The first shot may have been a good shoot… the rest were not, at least the last three weren’t, in my professional estimation. It was technically an execution. We shoot to stop, this guy shot to kill. There’s a big difference to the eyes of a Jury. Did this guy deserve to be shot, probably. Six times while laying on the ground? Probably not. Since it said, the robber is being charged, I gather, he lived. Which opens the Good Samaratin to a civil lawsuit that a good lawyer could win. The State’s Attrorney may not charge him, but doesn’t mean he can’t be sued and that doesn’t have to be a unanimous Jury, just 51% have to find the defendant, in this case, the shooter, to be liable. Shooting someone on the ground is not Justifiable Use of Force.
Thanks for giving us the update, Luke.
I think the armed citizen could have handled the situation better, but in the end justice was served. He stopped the crime with no injuries to the innocent. I was a bit concerned when I saw the video because he just seemed to shoot the guy in the back which could have led to a charge, so glad it didn’t.I think his problem was lack of training, but I would say that probably 90% of concealed carriers have very little or no training.