According to a White House press release issued this morning, President Biden is set to sign an Executive Order aimed at increasing background checks and enforcing “red flag” laws. While the order has not been signed yet, it has already sparked debate among gun owners and advocates for the Second Amendment. While some believe that the measures are necessary to address the issue of gun violence, others argue that they infringe upon constitutional rights.
It is important to note that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms for law-abiding citizens. The President’s actions could potentially create unnecessary barriers for responsible gun owners who have no intention of using their firearms for harm.
Background checks are already required for licensed dealers, but expanding them to include private sales could create a burden for law-abiding citizens seeking to purchase firearms for self-defense or recreation. Additionally, “red flag” laws, which allow individuals to petition the court to temporarily remove someone’s access to firearms, could be easily abused and used as a tool for harassment or political retribution.
It is also worth noting that the gun industry is a vital part of the American economy, responsible for providing jobs and producing a product that many Americans use for self-defense, hunting, and sport. Holding gun manufacturers accountable for the actions of criminals who misuse their products is unreasonable and could set a dangerous precedent for other industries.
While reducing gun violence is an admirable goal, it is important to remember that the Second Amendment protects the right of law-abiding citizens to bear arms. The President’s actions may create unnecessary obstacles for responsible gun owners without addressing the root causes of gun violence. We must focus on addressing mental health issues, improving law enforcement efforts, and addressing the cultural factors that contribute to violence. We must also respect the rights of responsible gun owners who use their firearms for legitimate purposes.
A single person in government should NEVER even get close to thinking about let alone actually exercising that level of power.