Everybody has stressors in their lives. At some point in many people’s lives, a whole lot of stressors will hit all at once. It can be the sudden loss of a loved one or getting a new job. It can be moving to a new home and having a new child. Understand that you’re never alone in your struggles. This too shall pass.
As a concealed carrier, it’s important to know how to handle yourself under stress. Here are some important points you should be aware of.
#1 It’s Okay To Be Stressed Out
Everyone gets stressed out. Carrying a gun makes it important for each of us to realize the importance of firearm safety, situational awareness, and our own personal attitude. It’s tough for many to admit that they’re stressed out and had enough. The immediate situation may have nothing to do with it.
Resolve situations with as little aggression as possible. Control yourself and your actions. Know what you can control and what you can’t. Do not seek to control that which you cannot. Oddly, the same advice given to a lot of alcoholics can also apply to responsible concealed carry best practices.
#2 Take Time To Step Away From A Situation
When stressors build up, it’s not the immediate problem that may set everything else off. A lot of times, it’s the “hair that broke the camel’s back.” Suddenly, a person who usually is calm isn’t. A person who often is friendly and cordial isn’t. When a sudden change occurs in a person’s temperament, it may be hard for that person to immediately stop and recognize that he or she is reacting to stressors not even present in the immediate situation.
As concealed carriers, we don’t have the luxury of letting stress get the best of us. It may be time to reschedule an appointment, put a meeting on hold, or do whatever is necessary to ensure you’re able to handle yourself before attempting to handle others.
Real threats to your life do not care about your life.
Remember that.
When someone truly intends you harm, he or she isn’t concerned about what is going on with your life.
Your situational awareness is absolutely affected by stress. Divorce yourself of situations that enable aggressive behavior within you so you can better look for actual threats when they emerge.
#3 Don’t Be Afraid To Get Help
Asking for help from a close personal friend, family member, clergy, or trained professional is never a bad mistake. It’s important that you’re able to resolve your own personal crises. Sometimes the best way to do that is to get them out into the open and start working on a plan to fix what you can fix, work past what you can’t, and leave the rest behind.
Trained professionals, priests, pastors, and religious leaders are all there to help you accept whatever truths you must to be the best person you can be. There’s no fault in seeking help. Suffering in silence is not a solution.
#4 Avoid Confrontation When It Isn’t Required
As much as our blood may boil, that’s never an excuse to “let someone have it.” We have to be mindful of our words and deeds because that gun on our hip is the opposite of a get out of jail free card. There’s never a time that’s appropriate to lose control of ourselves. No one can make you mad or angry. That’s under your control. If you feel you can’t control yourself in a situation, then you need to walk away, seek help, or do anything other than take it out on someone.
These are just four simple steps that can help a concealed carrier gain awareness of him or herself. It’s helpful to sift through the chaff of our own daily lives and struggles to ensure we’re appropriately focused on the situation ahead of us. After all, stressors will come and go, but it’s up to us to protect ourselves and those we love.