The purpose of this drill is the development of point shooting skills. Point shooting is best described as the shooter bringing their pistol up to eye level, with both eyes open point their pistol at the desired target and shoot. Point shooting is generally used from 0 to 7 yards, while for some shooters it is possible to hit targets out to 10 yards or more using this method of shooting.
This training drill is set up to be done without a time limit. The drill requires a minimum of 18 rounds. If a shooter wants to use a stopwatch or shot timer to gauge their own speeds this could be done but is not required. The target I suggest using is a full-size silhouette.
Safety Considerations with Movement
The lateral movement in this drill is described as taking a step laterally to the side. This would be as if you were stepping to the side to allow a person to go past you. While firing portions of this drill where lateral movement is called for, the shooter shall remain facing the berm. If you are moving with your pistol drawn, it is required you keep it pointed down range.
When getting ready to practice this drill, it is recommended you first practice the movement phase with a dummy gun or training pistol. This dry practice should be done until you are comfortable with the movement phase. When you are ready, you could move onto using your pistol and live ammo. I cannot emphasize enough if you are having troubles during dry practice, you should not move onto the live fire, but seek out a certified instructor for assistance.
Points to remember when practicing
- Start out slow, speed will come with time and practice.
- Concentrate of forming a good grip on your pistol each time.
- Practice your draw stroke the same way each time.
- Bring your pistol to eye level with both eyes open when firing.
- Practice lateral movements prior to live fire exercises with a training pistol or dummy gun.
- During the lateral movements, the shooter shall remain facing the berm with unholstered pistols pointing down range.
First stage of fire:
Starting position will be facing the target 5 yards away, with the pistol being holstered and concealed.
1st string – On the signal to fire, the shooter will draw from concealment and engage the target with two rounds.
2nd string – On the signal to fire, the shooter will draw from concealment and engage the target with two rounds.
3rd string – On the signal to fire, the shooter will draw from concealment and engage the target with three rounds.
Second stage of fire:
Starting position will be facing the target 5 yards away with the pistol being holstered and concealed.
1st string – During this sting of fire, the shooter will take one step to the left. During the lateral movement, the shooter shall remain facing the berm. On the signal to fire, the shooter will draw from concealment and engage the target with two rounds.
2nd string – During this sting of fire, the shooter will take one step to the left. During the lateral movement, the shooter shall remain facing the berm. On the signal to fire, the shooter will draw from concealment and engage the target with two rounds.
3rd string – During this sting of fire, the shooter will take one step to the left. During the lateral movement, the shooter shall remain facing the berm. On the signal to fire, the shooter will draw from concealment and engage the target with three rounds.
Third stage of fire:
Starting position will be facing the target 5 yards away with the pistol being holstered and concealed.
1st string – During this sting of fire, the shooter will take one step to the right. During the lateral movement, the shooter shall remain facing the berm. On the signal to fire, the shooter will draw from concealment and engage the target with two rounds.
2nd string – During this sting of fire, the shooter will take one step to the right. During the lateral movement, the shooter shall remain facing the berm. On the signal to fire, the shooter will draw from concealment and engage the target with two rounds.
3rd string – During this sting of fire, the shooter will take one step to the right. During the lateral movement, the shooter shall remain facing the berm. On the signal to fire, the shooter will draw from concealment and engage the target with three rounds.
It is important to remember shooting drills with movement can be dangerous. If shooters have doubts about their physical capabilities or shooting skill levels and you want to integrate movement into a shooting drill, I recommend you seek out an instructor for professional training before attempting any shooting drill with movement on your own.
Shooters who choose to practice this drill are encouraged to check with their local range rules to ensure this drill does not violate any of their local range rules. Shooters who choose to practice this drill assume all liability for any injuries that could occur during this concealed carry drill.
View the other articles in this series:
Concealed Carry Drill Part Three
Concealed Carry Drill Part Two