Recently, I wrote about Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and his fight with the BLM. I got several emails about people wondering how in the world I could support a man who was clearly breaking the law.
My short answer is, because the federal government isn’t always right and because authority has to be challenged in certain instances. It’s not as if Mr. Bundy committed murder and by supporting him I’m not saying, “maybe murder shouldn’t be a big deal anymore, let the guy go.”
Instead, I’m saying that from time to time we need to question our government and see if what they are doing makes sense. For example, many people thought it was a good idea to have a “white’s only” water fountain and a completely separate water fountain for blacks. Thank goodness people had the courage to stand up to laws, such as that one, that were clearly wrong and to question them.
Obviously, the Cliven Bundy situation isn’t anywhere close to the atrocities of slavery and segregation, but throughout history brave Americans have stood up to the government and because of this laws have changed and we no longer have segregation, women have the right to vote, etc.
Also, for those who say Mr. Bundy is 100% wrong and they see no “gray area”, think about this scenario…
Let’s say we lived in a world where Obama got his wish and only the military and police were allowed to have guns. What would you do if Obama passed a law that stated the military was going door to door and you must turn in your guns to them? Would you do this? Because if you didn’t, you’d be a lawbreaker.
Within the group that would break the law, I know there are a lot of folks that will likely say macho things such as, “the government will never take my guns, over my dead body.” However, for those who say this, do you actually have a plan in place to make sure the government doesn’t take all of your guns?
Do you have a cache (or two) where some guns and ammo are stored? Do you have a storage unit (that you pay cash for each month) where you have guns, ammo, food, etc.? My point is, if you really want to make sure the government doesn’t get your guns you’ve got to plan ahead. You certainly don’t want to have “all of your eggs in one basket” so if they knock on your front door and raid your house every single gun you own could be confiscated.
I guess what it all boils down to is this: Far too many people are “drones” who go through each day without questioning anything or even really thinking. We need to question authority (and not just the government’s) because when people go through life without questioning and without thinking on their own they end up drinking Kool-Aid in Guyana courtesy of a fellow named Jim Jones.