When there is a disparity of force, a handgun can be a great equalizer. And this incident is a perfect example of that.
On July 19, a 42-year-old man, who had just been released from prison after committing an attempted forcible sexual battery in 2018, broke into an elderly couple’s home in Neptune Beach, FL. He gained access to the home by forcing open the back door.
The elderly homeowner armed himself with his handgun and was ready for the intruder as he broke through the door. Obviously, this is not what the suspect had in mind. The armed homeowner was able to hold the intruder at gunpoint until police arrived. The suspect was charged with 2nd-degree forcible felony for burglary and was, once again, thrown right back in jail where he belongs.
The Neptune Beach Police Department posted about the incident stating:
“We are also thankful of this brave homeowner’s actions and that the incident didn’t end much worse than it could have.”
I’ll agree with Neptune PD. Thankfully this incident ended with no one being shot or injured. The intruder had already done time for forcible sexual battery, so who knows what his plans were once he gained access to their home.
I’ll also agree with Neptune PD that we should invest in security cameras. But you should also look at securing your doors. There are numerous ways to do this, from replacing the screws in your striker plate and hinges to 2″ or more to numerous other products that will help you secure the door from the inside.
Oh yea, and a firearm and training can’t hurt either. That’s what stopped the threat in this incident.
I appreciate that you don’t stop with the good guy winning, but consider aspects that could have been done better, and maybe avoid the situation entirely. Good enough isn’t good enough.
It could have ended happier. For society, at least.