Police were called to a home in Phoenix, AZ, for a report of an unknown trouble call. When they arrived on the scene, the homeowner and her boyfriend directed the officers to a man that had been shot.
The wounded man was the homeowner’s ex-boyfriend. Shortly before the 911 call, the ex-boyfriend forced his way inside the house and got into a fight with the homeowner’s current boyfriend. The ex-boyfriend then hit the man with a firearm he found inside the home. It is unclear if he knew where said firearm was or just saw it and picked it up.
The two men continued to fight until the current boyfriend was able to get control of the gun. He then fatally shot the ex-boyfriend to stop the threat. The police pronounced the ex-boyfriend dead on the scene. The other man was taken to the hospital and treated for the injuries that he got during the fight.
The media reported that the man “forced his way into the home.” After covering many stories like this, that usually means someone opened the door, and then the man forced his way inside. I’m not saying that is 100% what happened here, but usually, it will be reported as a break-in if he actually broke into the home. That said, don’t open your doors for just anyone, especially not an ex-boyfriend looking to start an argument or do you harm.