I am happy to report that the leadership of the House of Delegates has removed HB 2346 from the House Special Calendar (the only active calendar beginning on Day 30 of each regular session) and is now on the House Calendar (which becomes inactive on Day 30).
NRA lobbyist Jordan Austin confirm for me yesterday that the NRA also opposes HB 2346 and has received assurances from the House leadership that the bill will not be returned to the Special Calendar. Both WVCDL and the NRA were surprised when the House Judiciary Committee took up HB 2346. However, for now, we have caught up on this bill.
While HB 2346 appears to be dead for now, it is important that you still contact your delegate(s) if you have not already done so and let him/her/them know that you oppose HB 2346 and the reasons why. Given what happened in the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, we cannot afford to underestimate the possibility that the bill’s supporters might try over the next 3 weeks to return bill to the active calendar.