On Monday, Delegate Eric Householder, R-Berkeley, will be introducing WVCDL’ West Virginia Gun Owner Protection Act of 2011 in the House of Delegates.
The West Virginia Gun Owner Protection Act of 2011 is a broad-based proposal to reform West Virginia’s gun laws that expands the rights of law-abiding gun owners and increases the penalties for the criminal misuse of firearms and other weapons.
By clicking the above link, you can view an outline of WVCDL’s bill and the actual text of the bill as we sent it to the Legislature’s bill drafting office. Bill Drafting did return the bill in the same form as it was submitted.
After the West Virginia Gun Owner Protection Act of 2011, we will be calling upon you to do your part (calling your delegates and the chairman of the committee to which the bill is referred, most likely the House Judiciary Committee) to help us pass this bill.