On March 4, two pro-gun bills passed unanimously in the Kentucky Senate. House Bill 308, with an NRA-supported amendment, would provide a pathway to restoring gun rights. House Bill 313 would allow for concealed carry in a vehicle’s installed compartment. Both bills are now awaiting approval by Governor Steve Beshear (D).
House Bill 308, sponsored by state Representative Bob Damron (D-39), would implement the federal NICS Improvements Amendments Act, providing a pathway for the restoration of gun rights.
House Bill 313, sponsored by state Representative Will Coursey (D-6), would allow an individual to carry a loaded or unloaded firearm in an enclosed compartment originally installed by the manufacturer in a motor vehicle. The firearm would not be considered a concealed firearm under state law and the occupant would not need a concealed carry permit to transport a firearm in this manner. Current law requires a firearm to be stored in a glove compartment even though some vehicles do not come with one regularly installed.
Please contact Governor Beshear and respectfully urge him to sign both HB 308 and HB 313. He can be reached by calling (502) 564-2611 or you may e-mail him by clicking here.