A Food Star grocery store in Fairfax County was the scene of an alleged self-defense shooting when a man was shot by another man inside.
The shooting occurred just before 7 P.M. on Nov. 20, 2021. The store is located around Bailey’s Crossroads, which is considered to be a busy area.
The wounded man is being treated for life-threatening injuries while the shooter was last known to be cooperating with investigators. No charges have yet been known.
Officers are on scene of a shot person at the Food Star, 5521 Leesburg Pike. A man reported to police that he shot someone inside the store in self-defense. The shooter is w/officers & a man was taken to the hospital w/injuries considered life-threatening. Detectives responding. pic.twitter.com/JjIuepaMXQ
— Fairfax County Police (@FairfaxCountyPD) November 21, 2021
Of course, when you can, protect yourself at all times. With the investigation still ongoing, we can only hope the shooter will be justified having been said he fired out of self-defense.
With the area being rather heavily populated at most times, that is one thing to consider when carrying. What are the other areas your projectiles might strike whether or not you successfully hit the threat? Even when trying to do right, you can still come into much trouble.
The shooting was the second in the same area after a shooting occurred at a Target between employees, but investigators say there is no connection.