Mark Fiorino lives in Lansdale, PA and has a Pennsylvania concealed weapon permit. While visiting his mother he was treated like a criminal by the Philadelphia Police Department merely for open carrying. Please note that some localities in PA require a carry permit in order to open carry. Here’s his story:
I have learned to always keep my recorder on me and recording when I am in public in Philadelphia, due to the over-zealous nature of the police, and today, I am glad I followed that rule.
As I walked down the street towards the store, I caught a glimpse of a Philadelphia Police cruiser out of the corner of my eye, traveling in the same direction I was.
A few moments later, I hear a vehicle’s transmission roughly slam into “P” very close by.
“Hey, Junior!” comes a voice from the other side of the squad car.
“Junior?!” I replied as I turned around. I thought to myself, that’s kind of a condescending way to greet someone, isn’t it? As I turned, I prepared to ask the police officer what I could help him with.
It was then that I noticed the officer had his gun trained on my chest.
At least seven officers, 5 squad cars, and a threat of a taser later, I found out what it was like to sit in the back of a paddywagon.”
There are 3 15 minute videos and a 4th that’s about 8 minutes so it’s quite a long listen.