In 2015 Colion Noir made a video that featured a future where air rifles were regulated. Well, it is 2016 and that is exactly what is happening in Scotland. Starting December 31, 2016, you will be required to have an “airgun license” to own an “airgun”. To obtain said license, you will have to go through similar hoops that you need to go through to obtain a firearm certificate. One website stated that it may in fact BE EASIER to get a shotgun certificate than an air weapon certificate!
The details of the requirements and cost are yet to be determined but you will apply for them through the police. The cost is said to be cheaper than a firearm (£88.00) or shotgun (£79.50) certificate and will last for 5 years. The information they will ask for is the same information they ask when applying for a firearm certificate, which includes personal information as well as a “good reason” for possessing an airgun. You are also required to allow the police to access your general practitioner as well as visit your home or place where the “weapons” are stored.