Sen. Mary Lazich and Rep. Rob Brooks introduced the Wisconsin School Zone Empowerment Act on Jan. 13, 2016 which would allow people with concealed carry licenses to carry on school grounds. It would also allow each school district to establish its own policy on concealed carry within school buildings.
The authors were quoted as saying “It would make Wisconsin’s law compatible with federal law by clarifying the law about concealed carry within a school zone.”
Whether or not this bill will gain any traction is another story. Assembly speaker Robin Vos thinks it is “unlikely to move forward.”
Recently, Okay Public Schools allowed employees to carry guns on school grounds and even erected signs stating that fact. I would personally like to see more schools allow concealed carry permits holders to carry. When I pick my daughter up from college I have to either leave my gun at home or have her walk just off campus to pick her up. I think I should be allowed to have my gun on me when I am simply picking my daughter up without breaking the law.