Well, the other shoe has dropped. We’ve known for several months that the Obama Administration was turning a blind eye to — and even encouraged — suspected gun smugglers who were purchasing firearms from gun stores in the southwest.
But now we know the rest of the story: Your tax money was used to buy many of those guns that were later sent to Mexico.
That’s what Fox News has been reporting this week, as it remains the one large news agency that has continued to cover the growing Fast and Furious scandal that was being run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive (ATF).
Fast and Furious was a program that was born in 2009, allegedly to help track gun smugglers back to the Mexican drug cartels. But the reality is that few, if any, of these top-level leaders have been busted, while the smuggled guns have been funneled into the hands of drug gangs all along the border, resulting in hundreds of deaths (and the murders of two U.S. law-enforcement agents).
And, not only were your hard-earned dollars being used to purchase these guns, the main person being investigated for gun smuggling “was actually an FBI informant and former drug dealer who had been deported years ago,” Fox News reported.
According to sources inside the Justice Department, the ATF spent millions of dollars tracking a chief gun smuggler — known as “Mr. Big” — before discovering that he was in fact on the feds’ payroll (funded, again, by your tax dollars).
But why? That’s the recurring question. Why would the Obama Administration — that is filled with anti-gun cronies — knowingly approve the sales of firearms to bad guys? Why would they knowingly put thousands of guns “into the wrong hands,” when they’ve spent years advocating gun control laws to supposedly get guns “out of the wrong hands.”
Given that the ATF refused to work with Mexican authorities (when it came to tracking these guns) and frequently lost track of the firearms after they moved south of the border, it does not seem that bringing down drug kingpins was the real goal of Fast and Furious.
The better explanation is that the Obama Administration was using the influx of guns into Mexico — and the resulting violence — to clamor for increased gun controls here at home.
As stated by an Examiner.com article this April, “The Obama Administration, according to ATF agents who blew the whistle on the illegal plot, intended to use statistics concerning U.S. guns in Mexico to call for more stringent gun control.”
That is outrageous, and it means that the top cop at the Justice Department, Attorney General Eric Holder, needs to go. Fast and Furious occurred under his watch. And we know that information about departmental corruption went right up to his office suite. Holder was either deeply involved or grossly negligent about this horrendous scandal that has left hundreds of people dead. Holder must resign.
ACTION: Please contact your Senators and urge them to call for Eric Holder’s resignation. And don’t forget to circulate this alert to your family and friends.
Source: Gun Owners of America