In this article, we’re going to explore five common myths that are rooted in a seed of truth. We’re going to address the myth and then we’re going to address what we believe is the core underlying issue. If you don’t agree with our assessment, please do comment in the comments section below and we’ll be happy to address your point.
Myth: “You can’t get a good gun on a tight budget.”
Issue: A lot of really crappy, cheaply made guns on the market.
Hi-Point has rightfully earned itself its reputation as the single-serving size sugar packet of the gun world. Bulky, not at all ergonomic, it costs less than a used Playstation 3 and is, at the very least, striker fire. However, this is just one example of a cheap gun. It all comes down to — what’s your reasonable budget? You CAN spend $719 on a new H&K P30SK and you wouldn’t be wrong for doing so. However, you can probably do reasonably well with an M&P Shield 9mm (~$449) or a Glock 36 .45 ACP (~$450). You have choices. And there is a used gun market that is extremely receptive to that if you’re looking to shave a few more dollars off the end price.
Myth: “Pocket carry is fine.”
Issue: Convenience over gun safety.
We treat every gun as if it were loaded. Putting a loaded gun in a cargo pocket is a recipe for disaster. While you may not have had any issues in however many years you’ve been carrying, feel free to read about the negligent discharges that have occurred in movie theaters, children’s swim meets, and other places because somebody thought it was more efficient to just throw a gun in a pocket rather than put it in a holster. They do make pocket holsters. At a minimum, a holster needs to fully protect the trigger guard and it needs to hold tight to the gun until you’re ready to use it. That’s basic firearm safety applied.
Myth: “You get what you pay for with cheap holsters.”
Issue: Cheaply made holsters versus affordable, efficient holsters
You can find a holster for next to nothing. You can also find an expensive holster that’s not worth the money. Cheaply made holsters are different than cheap holsters. A cheap holster that is comfortable to wear, maintains tight retention over the firearm, and can be worn non-stop everyday is not a bad investment. A holster that is “one size fits all”, has no retention, or has “new age” ideas like barrel plugs or exposed trigger guards are all recipes for disaster.
Myth: “Six round single stacks are a waste of time”
Issue: Concealable versus magazine capacity
It’s a stress point in almost every concealed carrier’s mind.
“Will I have enough rounds to engage my enemies until I can either neutralize them or escape?”
This isn’t a home defense question. This is a “I’m out at Costco” question. Asymmetrical situations where it’s hard to identify good guy from bad, difficult to determine numbers, intent, and ability. Add stress, adrenaline, and the need to get to safety and any concealed carrier with a modicum of doubt will head for the higher capacity firearm. However, in everyday carry travels, that’s not always necessary. Single stack concealed carry pistols are designed to be easy to fit inside the waistband. They don’t show, don’t print, and quite a few of them are extremely accurate at distance. The key advantage of being concealed versus going with bulk is the element of surprise. Your attacker does not know you are armed — you do. If capacity is an issue, this can be remedied by carrying a second or even third magazine on your person.
Read More: DEBATE: Double Stack Or Single Stack For CCW — We Match And Compare
Myth: “Concealed carriers don’t need training.”
Issue: Assumption of knowledge.
Even if you’ve handled firearms since you were a young child, there are gaps in your understanding of firearms. We all have them. Talking with former law enforcement and NRA instructors, we’ve gotten the impression that a lot of people assume situations they see played out in movies and television translate to real life. They don’t. Even if you think you’re using a firearm justifiably, you may be saddened to find out that is not always the case. Concealed carry training not only addresses gaps in basic firearms handling and use, it fills in the gaps of a person’s understanding the law and how it applies to defensive gun use situations.