After making an extremely bad decision, a Chicago man is in critical condition after drawing on a man attempting to rob him at gunpoint.
This past Saturday night, a man and his fiancée were driving to a nightclub. The man had to pee, and they decided to pull over to relieve himself in an alley. I don’t know about you, but a peeing in an alley in Chicago at 11:30 PM is just asking for trouble.
And that’s exactly what happened. While the 30-year-old man was relieving himself, another man walked up with a gun and told him not to move. We can assume that he was attempting to rob the man who had a valid Illinois Concealed Carry License and was carrying concealed at the time. As the victim drew his concealed carry gun, the suspect shot him twice in the chest.
The two exchanged gunfire, and the victim got back in the vehicle as his fiancée drove off. They stopped at a hotel for help and then got to a nearby hospital. The wounded victim is currently in critical condition.
It is obvious that stopping in the alley to pee was a very poor decision. I’m not saying this was the case here, but having a concealed carry gun doesn’t mean you can disregard dangerous situations because you have a tool to defend yourself.
We also talk a lot about drawing your gun while a gun is already pointed at your AKA drawing from the drop. No matter how fast your draw is, it will never be faster than the time it takes for someone to pull the trigger. Now, did the victim think drawing his gun was his last resort? Possibly. I’m not going to say whether he was right or wrong for doing so. This is just an example of why we don’t recommend drawing from the drop.
Best to bring some receptacle with you on the road and needing to pee, like a plant watering device.