34-year-old Jesse Gibson broke into his grandfather’s home around 9 A.M. looking for money. Gibson and his grandfather got into a scuffle before the grandfather was able to obtain his gun, unknowingly shooting his grandson multiple times.
Gibson would escape to a nearby motel where he had been living, eventually being airlifted to a hospital. The grandfather was treated and released from the hospital for his injuries, where it was only then he would find out the attacker was his grandson.
When the saying goes around you must be prepared for anything when carrying or having weapons, it truly is an understatement. It is not known exactly how the grandfather was able to get his hands on his weapon during the scuffle, but he could have suffered a lot worse had he not been able to obtain it. He can’t necessarily be seen being at fault as well for shooting his grandson, as Gibson was disguising himself.
The grandfather must have had a plausible home defense plan. Although the attack was in the morning, did the inside of the home have enough light in the attack? Could the grandson have been identified if there was proper light on him? Details are still being investigated.
Either way, it is a great idea to at least carry a light on your home defense gun especially. This allows for improved positive identification so someone knows what they’re shooting, or at least looking at. Streamlight and Surefire are a few of the well-known quality weapon lights. Besides that, lights are great and arguably needed for that positive identification.