North Carolina comes closer to sensible home-defense and carry legislation this week as a major Castle Doctrine bill gets an overhaul and two others work their way through legislative committees.
SB 34, a proposed revision to North Carolina’s flawed Castle Doctrine statute, received a significant re-write this week and is set for further review this Thursday, February 24th.
The changes, as expected, brought the bill more in line with what many believe to be a stronger Castle Doctrine bill, HB74, by extending Castle Doctrine use of deadly force to any premises an individual has a legal right to inhabit, including motor-vehicles. The changes also allow for significant relief against civil litigation in cases brought about as a result of deadly force, when said force is authorized under the new law.
Other bills currently in committee in the NCGA include HB111, the Restaurants and Parks Bill and HB63, the Parking Lot Bill. HB111 would allow gun-owners with a permit to carry concealed to do so in restaurants and public parks, locations that have heretofore been off-limits for carrying concealed under the vagaries of NC law. While HB63 would reinforce gun-owners’ rights to store firearms and ammunition in their locked vehicles, even in the parking lots of businesses posted “No Firearms.”
Should any or all of these bills pass it would represent a major victory for common-sense gun-ownership in North Carolina. Residents are urged to contact their representatives in the General Assembly to express their opinions.