A man was sitting in a Wisconsin car line earlier this week when a woman in a white Mercedes SUV pulled in front of him, nearly hitting his car and parked in the crosswalk. The man told her that she had almost hit his car and couldn’t park there.
She responded that she would be just a minute. He replied that he didn’t care because she almost hit him. He response?
“You will care when I shoot you.”
That’s when she pulled out a small silver pistol and pointed it at him. She must have quickly realized that was a bad idea, got back in her car, and drove off. The man took a picture of the woman’s license plate and reported it to the police.
The police caught up with the woman at her apartment, stating that it was a toy gun and that the man threatened her. The police obtained a search warrant and found a pistol in her vehicle. So much for being a Nerf gun. She also HAD a concealed carry permit which will most likely be revoked now.
We say this all the time. If you can’t control your anger, you shouldn’t be carrying a gun. Period.
This is the kind of idiot that makes all concealed carry holders look bad.