Chicago CCL Holder Defends Himself Against Another Armed Man in Alley
We are not prohibited from getting into an argument while we are carrying our defensive weapon but doing so raises...
Mark Ehlen is a USCCA certified firearms instructor, a MN DNR Firearms Safety instructor, high school trap shooting coach and a writer. As one of his uncles ran Federal Cartridge Corp for many years and his father retired from there, firearms and ammo are second nature to him. His firearms instruction is aimed at helping new shooters have a positive experience as well as understanding the practical and legal side of concealed carry. Mark can be reached at Marksmanship Firearms Training.
We are not prohibited from getting into an argument while we are carrying our defensive weapon but doing so raises...
A pair of armed teens, 19 and 17-years-old forced their way into a Fayetteville, NC apartment home a bit after...
While it is true that there is generally less crime in rural parts of the country, that doesn’t mean that...
During concealed carry classes, a fairly common question is, “How many rounds do I need?” Another instructor I know answered...
Texas is the only state that allows the use of deadly force to protect property but that doesn’t mean that...
I would not want to be sitting in my car on Chicago’s South Side at 3:00 AM, but a 42-year-old...
What Elmira, NY police are calling a robbery home invasion occurred about 11:00 PM on a recent Friday night. According...
In Violet Township, Ohio, a man apparently lost control of his car and subsequently crashed it. The driver ran away...
A 34-year-old man went looking for his ex-girlfriend about 11:30 PM on a Monday. When he got to the Philadelphia...
A Seattle area home was seriously disrupted around 5:00 AM when a pair of masked men kicked down the front...
A homeowner was surprised a bit after lunchtime when a man in his 20's kicked in the back door of...
An Evans City couple found themselves being held at gunpoint in their own home after a Pittsburgh man broke into...